Taipei, Dec. 26 (CNA) Newly naturalized basketball player William Artino led the Tainan TSG GhostHawks to victory in his first game as a Taiwanese Sunday, ending his team's three-game losing streak in the T1 LEAGUE professional league.
American basketball player William Artino on Thursday evening arrived in Taiwan after last month completing his naturalization overseas, enabling him to represent Taiwan in international competitions.
Artino is one of the few foreigners who received an exemption to retain their home country’s citizenship while acquiring Taiwanese nationality.
The 29-year-old, 2.11m center and his wife arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at 7:40pm after disembarking from a United Airlines flight, which departed from San Francisco.
Lee Yun-hsiang (李雲翔), deputy secretary-general of Taiwan’s Chinese Taipei Basketball Association (CTBA), said that the organization would help Artino apply for his national identification card, adding that it is