A day after snapping ties with the ruling BJP, the Bodoland People s Front (BPF) on Sunday joined the Congress-led grand alliance to fight the Assembly polls against the saffron party with the Mahagathbandhan leaders urging the other local parties to join it. The leaders of the Mahagathbandhan said on Sunday that its chief ministerial candidate would be decided in consultation with the other constituents of the alliance after the Assembly elections are over. With the joining of the BPF led by vteran tribal leader Hagrama Mohilary, the number of parties in the grand alliance rose to seven. AICC Secretary Anirudh Singh told the media that with the joining of the BPF in the Congress-led grand alliance, the aspirations of the people of Assam are about to find a voice.
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GUWAHATI: The administration won’t interfere in schools’ plans to stop offline classes and exams here amidst fresh virus threat in some parts of the country, the Kamrup (Metropolitan) district administration clarified on Tuesday.
Several city schools are reportedly planning to conduct their upcoming exams online, after a top Guwahati school was put under containment and another decided to put offline exams on hold due to Covid. In the first instance, a teacher was found to be Covid-positive a few days ago, while in the other case, a student’s parents got infected recently.
“The situation is under control in Guwahati. Guardians may get infected by the virus. But we cannot disrupt offline teaching again,” Kamrup (Metropolitan) deputy commissioner Biswajit Pegu told TOI.
Over 11 GSP Leaders Joined UPPL: BTC Chief Pramod Boro
As many as 11 leaders from Gana Suraksha Party (GSP) joined United Peopole’s Party Liberal (UPPL) in a joining ceremony held at UPPL’s office at Kokrajhar
| 6 Jan 2021 1:45 PM GMT
Kokrajhar: In a joining ceremony held at United People s Party Liberal (UPPL) office at Mwiderkhoro area in Kokrajhar on Wednesday, as many as 11 leaders of Gana Suraksha Party (GSP) joined United People s Party Liberal (UPPL).
Bodoland Territorial Chief Executive Member (CEM) Pramod Boro who is also the president of UPPL, attended the joining programme.
Speaking to the media, Pramod Boro said that as many as total 11 GSP candidate and other leaders who have contested in Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) election 2020 and managed to get 10,000-11,000 votes have joined UPPL today.