This is true because of the incredible success the Broadband Program has had across the country here and at the Brooklyn Library amazing things. Making Great Strides and addressing the digital skill divide. Many of us are wondering where the additional funding is going to come from . I should take a moment on the Digital Literacy spectrum to talk about the room we are sitting. This is a digital commons. It provides us through an increasingly sophisticated set of tools, faster connectivity. It cost around 34 million and how can we build more because we know the need is there. I am hoping the panel will talk about this. It is my pleasure to introduce the director of Library Services. Susan has done so much in her tenure to elevate libraries in the consciousness and we owe her gratitude and will be sorry to see her go. Susan, please, thank you. [ applause ] i would ask our gentlemen, the two toms if you dont mind joining me on the stage. Good morning, everyone. Well it is so wonderful to
Was always on hiring. Increasing hiring. And i think that there are some aspects of the Affordable Care act particularly higher up the income ladder that the and on businesses, that they are reluctant to hire to the extent that they might have given the uncertainty or the requirements in the program. And thats just very difficult for people who are on welfare programs trying to help low income people get into jobs. Because, sometimes those jobs are discretionary hires. You know they may not really need them or may not want to necessarily do it but they need to have an environment where theyre comfortable and happy and positive about hiring people of all kinds of skills. And i think that we dont have enough of that in the country, and thats part of the reason why people are not in. And frankly, particularly on men who have struggled in the labor force a significant increase in the minimum wage up to 10. 10 nationwide, regardless of the economic circumstances of a particular area, is not
20th Century Technology to 21st century highspeed Broadband Technology. Its a reallocation of resourcef resources are never easy and never pleasant but they are essential if we are to keep pushing forward. We are moving to broadband to the person at the library. Its not just an external connection but its how do you get using wifi to the individual in a library . We are bringing the application and administrative process into the 21st century as well by using the same kind of ride band tools and we are focusing on fiscal responsibility. The key is not just more money although if more money is warranted we will deal with that but the key is money well spent by encouraging consortia, by creating longer support. So you can have longer contracts with lower rates and by establishing a system of reference phrasing so people know what is a fair price . We dont expect librarians to be Telecom Experts and able to go out there and haggle with Telecom Companies so how do we help in that regard .
Were going to both of them whah us. All of that when we come back. Please stay with us. Welcome back to the continuation of her one our prime time live debate for Congressional District 18 covering parts of Palm Beach County, barton county. With us today, congressman allen west and his challenger for the new district here, democrat Patrick Murphy in its first run for office. We thank you both for being with us. Will continue our question on the broad topic of taxes. Moderator we left everyone hanging on the deficit. Lets pick up without again. You are opposed to raising taxes. The deficit this past year was a think 1. 1 coding dollars which was an improvement over the previous year. If youre not going to raise taxes, what are some things you could cut to get anywhere close the erasing of 1. 1 trillion question. West we are supposed of the deficit cut in half which is 458 billion. We should be about 230 billion but weve had 1. 42 trillion, 1. 29, 1. 1. I think we have to look at certain
Its an hour and 20 minutes. Thank you so much, everybody. Well move on to our first panel discussion. I should say my name is steve and im the writer and editor here at the library of congress and were presenting this symposium entitled organizing across the bound rice in the struggle for civil rights and justice. This first Panel Presentation is called when poor people marched on washington taerks , the 68 in black and brown. I will introduce the speakers briefly and then they can come up and begin the discussion. So the first person ill introduce is Gordon Mantler, whos an assistant professor at George Washington university specializing in the history and rhetoric of 20th century social Justice Movements and the africanamerican and latino experience of the United States as well as an oral history and history of film. His first book and focus of his Library Presentation is power to the poor, blackbrown coalition and the fight for Economic Justice 1960 to 1974 and it was published in 2