With the Apple Watch, you can tune up your own music library and listen to Apple Music, Apple Radio, Pandora, Spotify, and other streaming services right from your wrist.
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Two crossed lines that form an X . It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. You will always only be able to stream from one device per account on Pandora. Narisara Nami/Getty Images
Pandora allows up to six people to stream music simultaneously with a Pandora Premium Family plan.
Members of a Family plan must stream music on separate accounts to listen at the same time on multiple devices.
Free Pandora accounts, Pandora Plus, and Pandora Premium only allow one device per account to stream at a time.
Many of us may have been sharing streaming accounts since the dawn of Netflix (Netflix freeloaders, you know who you are). But streaming services are finally formalizing their simultaneous streaming options in addition to the number of profiles available under one account.
Here s how many people can stream and listen to Pandora at once from a single account
Here s how many people can stream and listen to Pandora at once from a single account
Sophie PutkaFeb 4, 2021, 02:48 IST
You will always only be able to stream from one device per account on Pandora.Narisara Nami/Getty Images
Pandora allows up to six people to stream music simultaneously with a
Pandora Premium Family plan.
Members of a Family plan must stream music on separate accounts to listen at the same time on multiple devices.
Free Pandora accounts,
Pandora Premium only allow one device per account to stream at a time.