The show focuses on the lives of the Pandya brothers, living in Somnath and running their store and managing their lives, and staying together as a family. |
In recent years, Tamil serials have gained immense popularity, captivating audiences with their intriguing storylines and talented actors. Just like Tamil cinema, these serials have managed to create a buzz on social media platforms, with viewers eagerly following their favorite shows and discussing the latest twists and turns.
Just like Tamil cinema, Tamil serials have also been garnering significant attention in recent years, with several top serials creating a buzz on social media. Lets take a look at the top five Tamil serials of the week and how they are performing in terms of TRP.
Pandya Store Update: Actress Maira Dharti Mehra aka Prerna from Pandya Store has been winning the hearts of the audience since the day of her entry into the show. And one thing that has been the talk of the town is Maira and Mohit Parmars on-screen chemistry.