So the last set of Panderson Poll numbers for a poll conducted August 30 to September 14 have dribbled in. Responders were asked to rank leaders’ “likeability” out of 10 with one being the lowest. 47.3 per cent scored Andrew Holness from 6-10;.
Across the galaxies, in fantasyland, Apocrypha, where all politicians are friends and Oma D’unn solved political problems by parable, Legal Affairs Minister Maline Malaprop was disturbed. The Apocryphan Opposition had threatened to frustrate her.
Many critical thinkers find the misinterpretation of poll findings abhorrent. This misinterpretation has been occurring for many years. The problem is perpetrated by some pollsters, some political commentators, and some journalists who are the.
I can understand the reluctance of pollster Don Anderson to declare positively that his poll findings over the last few months indicate a trend against the incumbent Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) government, and in favour of the opposition People’s.