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North Dakota s Mask Mandate Expires as Infections Plummet
North Dakota led the nation in COVID cases for months before Gov. Doug Burgum issued a mask mandate last November. Since then, active cases have dropped by 80 percent. The mandate was extended last month but was allowed to expire on Jan. 18. January 24, 2021, 9am PST | Irvin Dawid Share
Lost in the Midwest
North Dakota and the Midwest had led the nation in daily COVID infections since late August. Despite pleas from the medical community to mandate the use of masks where appropriate, Gov. Doug Burgum insisted on allowing North Dakotans to exercise personal responsibility. On Nov. 13, the governor relented and announced four measures to mitigate viral spread, including a State Health Officer order [pdf] requiring face coverings to be worn in indoor businesses and indoor public settings as well as outdoor public settings where physical distancing isn’t possible.
SEREMBAN, Jan 23 It has been a year since Covid-19 affected countries all over the world and when the crisis will end, is still full of uncertainty. In Malaysia there is no sign of decline in the number of positive cases and as the pandemic wears on, some people are getting tired of the new.
What is Pandemic Fatigue? Here’s How It Could Catch You Off Guard
by Shilpa Dubey | January 4, 2021, 17:03 IST
As we continue to reel under the impact of COVID-19, people who have remained homebound for about seven months are now suffering from ‘pandemic fatigue’. Emerging out of exhaustion and impatience, people are now experiencing this fatigue or burnout, thereby provoking apathy and restlessness. This stands especially true as the lockdown restrictions are being gradually lifted.
At a time when we are getting used to the ‘new normal’, pandemic triggered fatigue is making people exhibit indifference to the infection, which shouldn’t be the case; the COVID-19 infection cannot be taken lightly! Yes, we know now that we have created a vaccine. However, it can take months before the official vaccination process covers every citizen. Hence, staying safe and maintaining prescribed safety precautions is our only bet.
Chicago authorities discover man secretly living in airport for three months
2 months 3 weeks 2 days ago
Monday, January 18 2021
Jan 18, 2021
January 18, 2021 10:13 AM
January 18, 2021
Source: BBC
O Hare International Airport
Over the weekend, authorities in Chicago reportedly discovered that a man had been living in the O Hare International Airport for three months.
According to the BBC, when COVID-related concerns made 36-year-old Aditya Singh too anxious to board a flight, he decided that his best bet was to begin secretly living in Chicago s international airport for three months.
Though Singh s situation somewhat resembles the plot of a 2004 feel-good Steven Spielberg film called The Terminal, the conclusion to this episode in Singh s life didn t end on the same romantic note as Spielberg s film. Instead, it concluded with Singh in handcuffs after airline staff asked him to produce his identification and he pointed to a badge that had allegedly belonged