Mahant Ram Manohar Joshi said Gayatri Mantra was chanted 1.25 lakh times in order to save the cows from the disease.According to the Animal Husbandry Department, 59,027 animals have died due to lumpy skin disease and 13,02,907 animals have been affected.
While veterinary doctors have been inoculating cows and other cattle to protect them from lumpy skin disease, seers on the other hand have been performing 'yagyas' for their good health.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. While veterinary doctors have been inoculating cows and other cattle to protect them from lumpy skin disease, seers on the other hand have been performing yagyas for their good health. India News | Seers Perform Rituals to Save Cows from Lumpy Skin Disease in Rajasthan.