Natalia Bondareca / EyeEmGetty Images
Protein pancakes for Pancake Day? We love to see it. This year, in the UK, Shrove Tuesday falls on February 16, 2021. And we ve got a flipping great idea for celebrating (particularly if you ve got some protein powder to use up). You ll likely know them as the ultimate post-workout breakfast but protein pancakes can make an appearance on their name-day, too! So, what are you waiting for? Put that shaker away and get out the whisk: it s mixing time.
Why is protein important?
Protein, one of the three key macronutrients, helps your body build and repair muscle tissue following a workout. For the record, the NHS advises that women eat around 45g a day the equivalent of three and a half eggs, two and a half salmon fillets or five portions of lentils.