In the heartland of America, a chilling truth lurked beneath the façade of quaint simplicity. Iowa, known for its cornfields and friendly faces, harbored a dark secret—the shadowy presence of serial killers stalking its unsuspecting populace.
Des Moines Register
A man was extradited from California to Iowa after being charged in the 2011 death of a Cedar Rapids man.
Mykel Allan Roberts, 29, was charged with first degree murder, attempted murder and going armed with intent in the killing of Dexter Meeks. No suspect was identified in Meeks death before Roberts confessed to the killing at a California sheriff s office last year.
At the time of Roberts confession in April 2020, he was being held in custody by the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department in Modesto, California for attempted murder and other charges stemming from an armed robbery, said Greg Buelow, Cedar Rapids Public Safety Communications Specialist.