A pro-business Super PAC is shelling out $500,000 down the stretch to help re-elect six moderate or mainstream incumbent Democratic City Council members facing primary-election challenges.
By Emily Ngo The Bronx PUBLISHED 10:48 PM ET Dec. 22, 2020 PUBLISHED 10:48 PM EST Dec. 22, 2020
Kevin Riley, a district leader and aide to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, has declared victory in the special election for an open City Council seat in the Bronx.
Riley was endorsed not just by Heastie but several Democratic Bronx elected officials. He also was backed by several labor unions.
The special election was held to fill the seat vacated by Andy King, who was ousted from the council in October for alleged ethics violations.
“It was a very trying life that I had growing up, so being that I’m able to serve the community that raised me, I feel overwhelmed, I feel overjoyed, I’m so eager to work,” Riley told NY1 late Tuesday.
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The city’s halal carts, hot dog vendors, and coffee stands dependent on a steady stream of office workers and tourists in areas like Midtown have seen their business dry up during the pandemic and are struggling to survive. But the city’s brick and mortar restaurants and businesses, who view the vendors as competition, have also taken a major blow. And in the social distancing era, competition for street space is fiercer than ever.