Good evening. Im Vice President of the letter on the Supreme Court. Were very privileged tonight ustice she wi distinguskrq speaker very shortly. Fewtly. i may or may not know already. Born in new york, raised in new 91 oxford, and Harvard Law School. Abner mikvah on thea5 nid. C. conivhtnr niby a marshklip with justicenini nrthc andnr a couple years of lawr p then in 1991, entering academia, teachingcor the unsa aray of chicagojfni law school, where she met xdprofessr barack obama. F years later, invitedni cok to washington tow ork fa fato ncommittee at the rqnest of vhe chairman, thennifani senator joe biden. nrninrtwonr years later, judge. H becomes white housew3b. counser nclinton. S ass oninininijfcookconrconir to the white house, coserve as. Two more years in domestic clintonqninb niadministration e white house. Judgeo hahe d. C. nnrnico republicans have no interest un confirming judges at that time 7 o rrq then returns toco niacadem, this time at Harvard Law School, joeao
Tobi we are at the Michigan History Museum here in downtown lansing. We are part of state government, so our museum tells the story of michigan, all of michigan, including lansing. Today, we will walk through our galleries. The museum is set up, literally a walk through time. You come to the museum. It is at the end of the ice age. We talk about the first Indigenous Peoples that lived here in michigan and go to the end of the 20th century. We are standing in our exhibit it is one we just recently renovated. The focal point is this gigantic mural that is painted. It shows the story of the anishinaabek people through four seasons. One of the things it tells is the advanced society they had before europeans arrived. They had very sophisticated social structures. It was just a little different than the western civilization. They chose to live off of the land and not try to control the land. They spent a lot of their time really working in harmony with the lands to meet all their basic need
Narrator the hopi indians, already civilized when the white man discovered him in the sistine the 16th century, who presented him with articles the hopi cultivated. Were they the indians were they the first indians to weave . Some think so. Women. Weavers were all weaving in the hopi land is done by men. Turnhave leisure time and furthertic handicraft energy. As the men are called upon to furnish costumes for occasioned, weaving is more than a commercial feature. Waiver this weaver is singing a hopi ceremonial song. [hopi singing] while only be familiar with the indian blanket, few have seen a typical kashima sash, four feet to six feet long and worn by dancers or used for decorative purposes in homes. Art of silverhe hadhing with the hopi, they no native metal with which to work in the early days. Jewelry of auce very high standard. The handpumped grill fashioned. Any years ago is still useful in a noticeable trait for the indian, until he finds Something Better to take its place, he
Ontrary it the inform hoe weavers had were women all of it land is done by the men. Being of peaceful nature they leisure time and turned to absorb handy craft it their energy. System that carries many ceremonies and the machine if you are pon to initial furnish costumes and a ving is more than commercial feature. Singing a hopi ceremonial song. Familiar ll may be with the indian blanket few have typical ka chynna sash. They are used for decorative in the home. Smithing with er the hopi is a borrowed one as native metal with which it work in earlier days. They now produce jewelry of a very high standard. Pump drill fashioned many years ago is still used. A noble trade until they somebody r something stays with tter he the old tools and is somewhat aloof to the machine age. Be commont appears to weeds some of our finest baskets are made. The first is the gathering of brush. The leaves are stripped off clean twig. Hard on your fingers . Just try it. In order to have color in the baskets,
Announcer my talk will have two parts. Professor mcneur i am always happy to talk trash with new yorkers. Even happier that there is a large series on trash in new york. First, i will talk about my book project and the research i have done an environmental history. Then i will go into specifics about my research focusing on the intersection of food, politics, and the urban environment and 1850s new york. The book i have written is an environmental history of new york city. Many people believe that new york is the opinion me of a concrete jungle. After coming across a reference to the hog riots, i thought the idea of hogs roaming the streets of new york was amusing. The fact that they were people passionate enough to ride over them was even more so. Hidden beneath my reaction is the notion that cities are surely artificial spaces where nature does not exist. The early part of the 19th century is a moment where the meaning and relationship between city and country is being transformed an