“Collection” by Soccer Mommy Emery Wainscott Lifestyle Editor ewainscott@murraystate.edu Soccer Mommy conveys a somber but sweet feminine angst on her album “Collection” that encapsulates the feelings of fall. With indie-sounding guitar in the background, her vocals give just enough bite and just enough softness. “Allison, put down your sword /…
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Creative writing department celebrates graduating seniors
Posted By: Features Editor
April 28, 2021
Dionte Berry
To give their seniors a send off, the creative writing program hosted a senior reading to celebrate creative writing seniors.
On Tuesday, April 27, after the course of their college careers, creative writing seniors went through their past works and chose what they wanted to read. Each senior had around 12 minutes to showcase whatever work they desired. The event was coordinated by Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing Carrie Jerrell who was happy to have an in-person event.
“It’s great that we finally have an event back in-person,” Jerrell said. “It’s a sign that we are able to return to normalcy.”