Ninesix to adopt the firearms regulations without making any changes. The new law will save lives. A brazen attack by Al Qaeda Linked terrorists include a woman that graduated from the Johns Hopkins University International studies group. It begins saturday at an upscale mall in nairobi, kenya. They are in the final push to rescue those. A terrorist Group Claims Responsibility and says the strike was in retribution or kenyan forces at the 2011 push into neighboring somalia. They claim it is an american attacked them all. The militants specifically targeted nonmuslims and at least 18 foreigners were among the dead. 200 people were wounded, including five americans. People with relatives and spent the lasta few days trying to get in touch with them and say they are still in shock. Is the safest place, a mall. It is very safe and incidentally, this is where these people are. Morning, families and as you can see, they are tourists. They say they have been glued to the television as they aw