Every year, Eater publishes Where to Eat, a guide to the most exciting places to travel and eat all over the world. In 2024, Eater is asking readers to pick their favorite food city in the U.S.
There will be no chili at MSOE this year, but WMSE s Rockabilly Chili is still happening with a twist.
This year s fundraiser for the radio station has been dubbed the Super Friends Edition and is taking place over the course of a week, April 5-11, with more than 40 Milwaukee area restaurants offering entries.
Participants can pick up the contenders from each restaurant, then vote for their favorite meat, vegetarian and unique versions on the WMSE website. The radio station is encouraging people to post photos of the entries on social media with the hashtag #wmsechili. Whoever tries the most will win a WMSE Chili Fun Pack, which includes a Rockabilly T-shirt, bottle opener, headband and bottle of hot sauce. A portion of the sale of each chili sold goes to WMSE.