Founded a year ago, the Palo Alto Renters Association has four priorities: create a citywide rent registry, develop a public education campaign, and tackle issues of tenant harassment and subsidized housing.
Founded a year ago, the Palo Alto Renters Association has four priorities: create a citywide rent registry, develop a public education campaign, and tackle issues of tenant harassment and subsidized housing.
Uploaded: Fri, May 7, 2021, 10:29 am
Time to read: about 3 minutes
A preview of Palo Alto government meetings for the week of May 10.
CITY COUNCIL . The council plans to appoint candidates to the Human Relations Commission, the Public Art Commission, the Stormwater Management Oversight Committee, and the Utilities Advisory Commission. The council then plans to hold a joint hearing with the Planning and Transportation Commission to discuss the process for creating the next Housing Element. The virtual meeting will begin at 5 p.m. on Monday, May 10. View the full agenda here. Those wishing to participate by Zoom can do so by dialing 669-900-6833 and using Meeting ID: 362 027 238.