Board Denies CAFO Based on Neighbor Proximity
By Joseph Schany - | May 4, 2021
by Joseph Schany
The Palo Alto County Supervisors would deny the conditional use permit for a hog confinement near Greattinger during Tuesday’s regular session board meeting. The permit for a proposed 2,499 hog capacity finishing barn was denied because the site did not meet Palo Alto County’s Good Neighbor policy of a half-mile distance from residents.
“The site does have one neighbor within the half-mile, and currently the Good Neighbor policy waiver has not been signed,” said Aletha King, Zoning, presenting details of Monday night’s zoning board decision to the supervisors. “The zoning board denied the permit because of the distance with the neighbor and the waiver not being signed.”
Supervisors Review 2021 Redistricting Guidelines
By Joseph Schany - | Apr 13, 2021
by Joseph Schany
Following the census every ten years, district boundaries are redrawn from which electors choose each of Iowa’s four United States Representatives and 150 state legislators. At Tuesday’s regular session meeting of the Palo Alto County Supervisors, an overview on the process of redistricting/reprecincting was reviewed.
“They start by drawing your districts at the federal level,” explained Carmen Moser, Palo Alto County Auditor, “and then they draw down to your state, and then it goes to cities, and then to counties. Every county must file even if there are no changes.”