The election of a far-right government is the product of the disenfranchisement of the working class by reactionary parties that the ruling elite falsely markets as the “left.”
Rome city council has approved a funding agreement with the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility that provides €456m for transport projects.
In light of the September 3, 2015, mega military parade held at Tiananmen Square in Beijing both to mark the seventieth anniversary of the end of Second Sino-Japanese War in 1945 and to acclaim the achievements of Xi Jinping, China’s Chairman of Everything (for the Chinese media logorrhea related to the parade, see The China Story Dossier), we offer the following article from
Rome, Jul 10 (EFE).- Firefighters on Sunday brought a large blaze that broke out in the eastern part of Rome under control after a day of fighting the flames. “The fire that broke out yesterday afternoon in Rome in some car scrap yards in the Centocelle area, between the streets of Palmiro Togliatti, Casilina, Romanisti …