known person to see sarah alive, jason flores was also cleared by his palm print. and they come to my house and tell me. who came? the detectives? yeah, because they know how much i went through and this wasn t easy for anyone to go through. especially someone you re accusing of it. i just thinking, like, wow, i just really feel sarah, like, with me right now. as oswald cross-checked palm prints, delia mckernan had been keeping a close eye on her neighbor dante taylor. remember, he d been with the group sarah was hanging out with that fateful night and his cell number showed up on sarah s phone records. were you glued to your window? absolutely. as crazy as that might sound, yes. even though dante had been questioned by detectives and let go, delia continued to watch him. using her high-powered binoculars, she kept an eye on his house. and then one night coming home from dinner, delia said the street was blocked off. a police
usable handprint? they weren t usable the way they were with just the white fingerprint powder. there weren t enough characteristics to compare it to somebody else. then they did a second test using a chemical called amido black. and this time, there was enough detail. one of the handprints was useable for comparison. and the test told them something else. so if there s blood on this palm print it s going to now show up with this chemical? hopefully, yes. and what happened when you put the chemical on it? it did develop. so the palm print turned blue? yes. blue. which means that there was very likely blood in that palm print. correct. and that s a big deal. it s a tremendous deal. while oswald and her team examined the prints, other investigators tested the blood to see who it belonged to. the blood came back to sarah goode. oswald believed the killer had attacked sarah, got her blood on his hands and then carelessly left his prints. so that s why detectiv
gives the evidence that catches somebody who s done something this awful. but the reality is you never actually want to work a case like this. you never want to hear the story of what happened to sarah. you immediately think, you know, she met this guy at a party. that could have been me or any of my friends or my sister. but even with the palm print and the cell phone records all pointing to dante as sarah s killer police didn t arrest him. there was a problem and a brand new lead. coming up we received information that there might be another victim out there. another victim? he had a knife. he had it at my throat. he just kept saying i ll kill you. when dateline continues. nues
morning. i think he just switched that either he did or didn t see her. i don t remember. he might not have gotten his story straight? yeah. police already had cell records linking dante to sarah. so what about his palm print? karen oswald remembers when dante came in to give his prints. he was a regular guy. he was polite, helpful. he was a nice guy. when someone acts like that do you think, oh, it probably wasn t him ? i don t make a determination on whether i think it was them or not. i ve seen enough people who have done really bad things, and to your face they re nice, they re polite, they re respectful. but demeanors change. oswald carefully compared the ridges from the bloody palm print to dante s. finally a hit. it matched to dante taylor. how did that feel to make that match? that now you ve potentially caught the killer. in one instance it feels great because you always want to be part of that team that
prosecutor worried about a key piece of evidence. the bloody palm print dante left on the hood of sarah s car. she wasn t sure she d be able to use it in court. remember when police brought dante in for questioning back when sarah was still missing? you have all the family members screaming and yelling and the potential for a weapon. that was the time when nick had called police, and when they showed up, they handcuffed dante, brought him to the precinct, questioned him for hours, and got his handprint, but they never read him his rights. because the detectives believed they d made it clear to him that he was not under arrest, that he was, in fact, free to go. but albertson knew there was a strong possibility a judge might not see it that way and could suppress dante s palm print, meaning the most damning piece of evidence linking him to sarah s murder would be thrown out. because police never read him his rights, for now, dante walked free. his neighbor delia continued to spy