The Palestinian Authority has claimed that, if President Trump were to cut their foreign aid, children would starve. But hungry kids apparently didn’t stop them from shelling out $50 million for a brand new private jet for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The luxury jet, which was paid for with $20 million from the Palestinian […]
Christian residents of Bethlehem have accused the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah of attempting to “hijack” their holidays and marginalize the city’s role.
This past week in Judea and Samaria Palestinian terrorists carried out two shooting attacks targeting Israeli security forces, one near Nablus and the other near Jenin. No Israeli casualties were reported. On February 8, 2022 in Nablus, Israeli security forces killed three Palestinian terrorists who belonged to Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, were responsible for a recent series of shooting attacks targeting IDF forces and Israeli civilians, and were planning more. On February 7, 2022, security inspectors at the Kerem Shalom Crossing prevented the smuggling of more than 10,000 rifle and hand-gun bullets. At a demonstration held in the Gaza Strip in support of Syrian refugees, pictures of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Qassem Soleimani, late Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Qods Force commander, were burned. In Judea, Samaria there was a slight decrease in the number of active coronavirus cases, although the hospitals are operating at almost 100% capacity. In the G
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which are not part of the PLO, did not send representatives to the meeting, saying it would drive a deeper rift among Palestinians.