a child actor in 1994. he starred as the goalie in the film mighty ducks. we are america s team. shouldn t we concentrate on hockey? might i suggest i agree. wow. that s not a bad idea. goldberg. yes. school will be optional. 29 years ago well since then, sean weiss has had major struggles with drug addiction, but there is good news tonight that we want to celebrate. sean weiss is about to hit three years of sobriety, and joins us now. thank you for coming on. in a country beset by addiction, to talk to someone who has spent three years and come as far as you have how did you do it? i had a lot of help. i went to residential treatment, and after that, i had been in sober living.
i look back in this moment and if you are not even conservative, you just think what s going on is really wrong, and really destructive to the country you love and dangerous for children and grandchildren in future generations playful you will look back on this moment of despair and confusion are, what has happened no one knows. it s bad. we don t know how or why. we will look back on this as the beginning of clarity. he will this is the beginning of what you can understand and changing for the better. suffering causes growth. it s true now. if you go on tiktok, you may have concerns about the state of the american economy. there are white-collar employees marketing majors from davidson filming themselves at work and it turns out they don t do a l
there s a lot of anti-child propaganda everywhere. it s just in the air. our treasury secretary decided she was our family planning secretary. she announced not long ago that if you don t like the economy, just have an abortion. i believing that i believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions about when and whether to have children would be and would set women back dec decades. that s what you are seeing everywhere on social media. there are some people that aren t going along with it, finding joy and meaning in
lot. they take a lot of breaks. we aren t being mean. these are their words, twitter employees in san francisco. welcome to it day in my life as a twitter employee. this past week, went to sf for a first time at a twitter office, badged in. it took a moment to soak in everything. started my morning off with then i had a meeting. quickly scheduled one of these rooms, which were so cool, they are literally noise canceling. got ready for brunch. look how delicious this food looks. i was so overwhelmed. made my way down to this log cabin area. i don t know what this is, but it s really cool. just kind of unwind a bit. also, found this really cool meditation room. mike rowe has spent his life reporting on work and working.
he saw that segment, reached out, and said that it s more important than ever to show the fact that a lot of americans are doing real work. he s got a whole sure about this called dirty jobs and joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. when we did that segment, i thought of you banging out that script the whole time. this is the opposite of the kind of actual work that mike rowe has dedicated his life to telling the rest of us about. you didn t tell me you were going to do that segment. had i known, i would have insisted on following it up with something. thank you for the chance to do that now. let me just say, i can t really speak for anybody but me, but i would bet big that millions and millions of people jumped out of their chairs, screamed words that we can t repeat on your program as a result of watching what you show them. again, it s not about being mean. our relationship with work, the