About 5000 people flocked to Kensington Park to celebrate Whangārei’s annual Emergency Services Family Fun Day on Sunday. Northland Emergency Services Trust.
By Guyon Espiner of RNZ
Nearly 70 per cent of Lotto shop sales are made in the poorest half of the community.
The data was provided for an RNZ investigatio
Tsunami alert: Central Whangārei businesses lose half a day s income
5 Mar, 2021 04:06 AM
3 minutes to read
Cupcakes Northland owner Ashley Telfer was thrilled her stock was sold within 30 minutes after she reopened for business when the tsunami alert was downgraded.
Photo / Imran Ali
Cupcakes Northland owner Ashley Telfer was thrilled her stock was sold within 30 minutes after she reopened for business when the tsunami alert was downgraded.
Photo / Imran Ali
Imran Ali is a reporter for the Northern Advocateimran.ali@nzme.co.nznorthernadvocat
Selected businesses in central Whangārei decided to reopen once the alert level was downgraded and one made hay, selling its stock within 30 minutes.