or six people. breeding consultant johana is on her way home. and she s taking her work with. today. your honner now uses her darter to try and meet the demands of the herd manager. the search for the perfect partner continues. in her pairing plan she checks which bulls match best with which cal s she can rule out in braiding she wants to compensate for deficiencies and boost the healthy traits of the animals.
this one costs ninety thousand euros it saves in five or six people. breeding consultant johana is on her way home. and she s taking her work with. today. your honner now uses her daughter to try and meet the demands of the herd manager. the search for the perfect partner continues. in her pairing plan she checks which bulls match best with which cowles she can rule out inbreeding she wants to compensate for deficiencies and boost the healthy tried
you have the now uses her darter to try and meet the demands of the herd manager. the search for the perfect partner continues. in her pairing plan she checks which bulls match best with which counts she can rule out inbreeding she wants to compensate for deficiencies and boost the healthy traits of the animals. is up in the open and it s pure optimization i compare it with farming machines or smartphones they re constantly being upgraded on smartphones very often with right and no one wants to use farm equipment that s fifty years old what we re doing with the cows is no different only their natural. movement including taking a living being an optimizing it naturally. gives up their sleeve every hour by docking if. the flight route is set. off and i have