pat lynch and the union is in a very difficult situation. but these sort of comments, saying that the mayor has blood on his hands, the pair shoumayo not be showing up to officer funerals. you have a deranged guy, causality is lacking. but there s extreme tension that people have not been able to articulate what the police do and explain the circumstances they re in. hopefully as we get as we move forward, there will be more chance to have a more rational and less emotional conversation. perry, i d like to come to you. mikey kay standing in for ari melber. i spent 20 years in the military and we were very much told to respect the rank of an individual rather than the individual itself. is there an argument to say here that given what we saw about the nypd turning their backs on de blasio, is this a real good opportunity for the nypd to take the moral high ground and look more towards the office of the mayor than what seems to be a