Jun 1, 2021
Listen: Lacey Nelson, Community Liason for Paint Sacramento PInk.
The Paint Sacramento Pink Campaign was founded by Sacramento Breast Cancer Survivors Shanda Pierce and Cheri Andrew. Shortly after Shanda and Cheri met, Cheri was diagnosed a second time in her life with Breast Cancer. The meeting of these two women ignited a fire and a mission to reach as many people as they could through Paint Sacramento Pink to make sure that absolutely “NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE”.
Get more information here and learn about a fun event on June 19th at Palladio in Folsom and a chance to win a Playstation 5. https://www.paintsacramentopink.org/
Breast cancer survivors create Paint Sacramento Pink campaign This is a journey that no body should go through alone, Cheri Andrew said as she s battling another fight against breast cancer. Author: Madison Wade (ABC10) Updated: 10:17 PM PST March 5, 2021
SACRAMENTO, Calif. Two breast cancer survivors, one battling a relapse right now, want others fighting breast cancer to know they are not alone. In doing so, they are painting Sacramento pink as part of their new campaign.
Cheri Andrew is a survivor and a fighter. She s gone up against breast cancer before and now she is in the middle of another battle.