'Sanjog' actor Rajniesh Duggall said that he gave his best while performing on the track 'Munni Badnaam Hui' picturised on Malaika Arora from the 2010 Salman Khan-starrer 'Dabangg'. Though he agreed that despite all his efforts, he couldn't match up to Malaika Arora. | Tellychakkar.com
'Sanjog' actor Rajniesh Duggall said that he gave his best while performing on the track 'Munni Badnaam Hui' picturised on Malaika Arora from the 2010 Salman Khan-starrer 'Dabangg'. Though he agreed that despite all his efforts, he couldn't match up to Malaika Arora. | Tellychakkar.com
'Sanjog' actor Rajniesh Duggall said that he gave his best while performing on the track 'Munni Badnaam Hui' picturised on Malaika Arora from the 2010 Salman Khan-starrer 'Dabangg'. Though he agreed that despite all his efforts, he couldn't .