0 republicans have looked at something that happened in the obama administration to compare it to katrina. so it is becoming one of their rituals. just like we voted 48-plus time s against the repeal of health care reform now every other day they re going to be calling everything katrina. this is their seventh time they ve called something katrina. you know, melissa, you live in new orleans. yep. you lived through cat rinna. your mom is in new orleans. to compare this, katrina was about a president, when people were suffering on live television, that didn t come in. they re comparing it to a president that saw people suffering thad tried to do something and is trying to do something about it. it is absolutely outrageous. yeah, i mean, look, here is the comparison that works. hurricane katrina is like gop resistance to obama care. and here is how. in the context of a hurricane katrina disaster there was a disaster, a natural disaster caused by weather, and storms, and wind surge
0 obama care is the number one job killer in america. if we don t act we will have a debt crisis. since day one of barack obama s presidency, i have led the fight in washington against his liberal socialist policies. liberals have no idea of how capitalism works. i mean, it s amazing. they can t just argue different economic policies or opposition proposals. he has to be a socialist. his plan is job killer. this twitter ipo yesterday, everyone was very elated. it went off without a hitch. they shot up 70%. i actually spent a fair bit of time trying to analyze fair market. if he s a socialist, he s the worst. because financial markets are a total new cast of characters. some of these guys in the congress and some of them in the senate. what it s saying is they are guys that were cosigning with bush did. the fact we have an economic recovery is despite the republican party helping out. don t forget the reason we were in this economic turmoil is because the president inher
0 spread the pollen around the house. anyone can try something as simple as a saline nasal rinse and find out which types of pollen, mold, or grass you re allergic to by getting an allergy test from your doctor. check out the featured fit nation section from the cnn ipad app. going to get the next updates on next week s training trip. for now, stay tuned for a check of your top stories. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, this is cnn sunday morning. not in my grave yard. that s the word from several cemeteries to the funeral director who has the body of boston bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev. just wait until you hear what he plans to do. it just happened again. little kids shooting kids. how much of the fault lies with the parents, or are companies marketing to children the ones to blame? well, we have a winner, right? the most exciting two minutes in sports is over, but the race for the triple crown has just begun. will the three decade drought be broken. it is sunday,