of their house, packed everything up, she s gone back to the mainland, her family says she s visiting friends on the west coast. won t specify where, we also don t know where the contents of their house has gonep. has it gone into a storage facility somewhere here? has it been shipped back to the u.s.? is it on a ship, a container ship back to the u.s. as far as we can tell, either here in hawaii or the mainland, not a single warrant has been issued by federal officials, it seems given the way the feds are acting at the moment that this really caught them completely flat footed. anderson? miguel marquez, appreciate it. new polling tonight about what americans think of one of the two surveillance programs that edward snow den revealed. in a survey on the nsa call tracking operations. 56% find it acceptable. 41% disagree. as for snowden, one leading lawmaker calls him a traitor.