/PRNewswire/ Graduate School USA (GSUSA) is now accepting entries for its 26th Annual W. Edwards Deming Outstanding Training Award, given to government.
/PRNewswire/ Graduate School USA (GSUSA) today presented the W. Edwards Deming Outstanding Training Award to two organizations that have achieved enhanced.
DOE/Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne s Yung Liu (left) explains the essentials of nuclear packaging and his ARG-US remote monitoring systems technology to students. (Credit: Argonne National Laboratory)
Fast-tracking the educational and professional opportunities for engineers in nuclear packaging is a global challenge and critical to ensuring our nation s safety and security.
In a pioneering partnership, the U.S. Department of Energy s (DOE s) Argonne National Laboratory has been taking on that challenge by offering the DOE s Packaging Certification Program s (PCP) training courses for the University of Nevada, Reno s (UNR) Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Packaging (GCNP). Also involved are DOE and other DOE national labs. Since 2015, 67 students have taken GCNP courses for credits, and the first certificate was awarded in 2017.