Fluctuating return-to-work policies, supply chain issues, and shifts in consumer spending were some of the ongoing issues publishing faced in 2022. And then there was the fallout from the decision by Judge Florence Pan that blocked Penguin Random House s purchase of Simon & Schuster.
Now that the pandemic is over, bosses are pushing for people to return to the office, leaving working parents stressed and anxious as they realize that having the best of both worlds in career and parenting is over.
Jenderal Benny Moerdani, berani mengemukakan agar Soeharto mundur menjelang sidang umum 1988, saat Soeharto kuat-kuatnya. Apa akibatnya?
Jumat, 18 Juni 2021 11:42 WIB
TribunJabar/ Tribun Style
Kolase Soeharto dan Benny Moerdani. Benny pernah mengingatkan Soeharto menjelang SU MPR 1988 agar tak mencalonkan diri jadi presiden.
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - MENJELANG Sidang Umum (SU) MPR 1988, Panglima ABRI Jenderal TNI LB Moerdani dicopot dari jabatannya oleh Presiden Soeharto.
Sebuah peristiwa tidak lazim karena biasanya seorang Panglima ABRI baru diganti setelah pelaksanaan SU MPR dan pengumuman susunan kabinet baru oleh presiden terpilih.
Pencopotan Benny Moerdani, panggilan akrab LB Moerdani, punya latar belakang kisah unik sekaligus dramatik.