like pack animals. two dogs here. they actually chased the cougar from the guy s property. he videotaped it and the cougar retreated and ran up a tree. way too early starts right now. yesterday the obama white house lady out their case for intervention in syria, the goals of which ultimately are really quite simple. the goal is negotiate a solution which results in the departure of assad and the free choice of the syrian people for their future. it s simple. assad leaves willingly, democratic syria is stable and peaceful. thousands of lives are saved. and elizabeth bennett marys mr. dawson, and they re all happily ever after. it s unicorns and rainbows. if it only were that simple. things get mighty awkward today as president obama and putin are in the same room together
right? they are definitely big animals. they re also pack animals. they live in a group. they re very social animals. my focus is not so much on cloning but, you know, we ll leave that to the ethicists. i m a scientist. right. it s a scary proposition. we look forward to talking to you again to see what you found out from this incredible discovery. kevin campbell, thank you so much. my pleasure. just ahead in the newsroom, who knew? fed chair ben bernanke cracks the audience at princeton commencementsch .
point, partisan politics and a sitting u.s. attorney general cot in the cross fire. eric holder is in copenhagen this morning. yesterday a house committee voted to recommend citing him for contempt of congress for not turning over documents from that botched fast and furious gun operation. you will remember that program allowed guns to end up in the hands of mexican drug cartels and is connected to the death of at least one u.s. law enforcement officer. those documents are now off limits to republicans and everybody else because the president has invoked executive privilege to keep them under wraps. it brings us to joe jons live from washington, d.c. this morning. good morning. good morning, soledad, the contempt issue moves to the full house of representatives as early as neck week. holder is the first obama administration official to be held in contempt by congressional committee. the point man on all of this for the republicans, of course, is chairman darrell issa. he ta
kid to college but retailers are looking to hire half a million temporary workers with the holidays coming up according to the national retail federation. major chains often hire these temp workers then full-time after the holidays. we definitely saw that last year. retail workers, there are jobs there. some other jobs in high demand truck drivers, engineers, including industrial and software engineers. registered nurses. professional chefs. and accountants. but it is undeniable people are not just angry and frustrated, they are lived with the economy, jobs, their paychecks an the income gap. look at this scene. in new york, right now, at the heart of our financial district, the occupy wall street protests are intensifying. we do have a live picture for you. today marks the 21st day of the movement with no signs of it dying down any time soon. in fact, the grassroots protests, the discontent are spreading rapidly across the country from east to west, north to south. this
understatement. he wound up 2,000 miles from home in new zealand. has anyone talked to mr. popper and his penguins? get jim carrey on the phone. going to let him be for now hoping he leaves to go home before too long. if you ever saw that movie march of the penguins you know they re pack animals so this is distressing. this is the first time a penguin of this kind has been seen in new zealand since 1967. he is truly lost. he is. is that an emperor king penguin i believe? i m not sure what kind it is. will he be able to find his peeps again? that s what i m worried about. he s well-dressed with the tuxedo. very fancy. we ll be right back with more world news now.