whether it s trying to remove a duly elected congress woman from iowa, as they did, you t itow, telling us that republicans are going to get rid of social security when it s their policies that are threatening social security. and you re right, leaderships now is going to force the realbs hakeem jeffries to stand up because he s been hiding behinde anti trump rhetoric. alllike all the other democrats and trying to play both sides of the fence. progressiv on one hand , hakeem jeffries is part of this progressive nnedcaucus. h but on the other hand , he teamed up with congressman gottheimeron on this on a pacd called team blue . t and the purpose of the pac wasre to fight off wild progressiveero democrats from attacking conservativef it democrats. and he said things like he s never going to bend a need for liberal socialists.om and he s made almentl kinds ofs. comments. soso huh c hakeem jeffries has e a problem because on one hand ,