U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA will hold a webinar on October 27, 2022, in its Computational Toxicology and Exposure Communities of Practice series on Analysis of High-Throughput Profiling Assays in Chemical Safety Screening.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA will hold a webinar on November 1, 2022, on a new research funding opportunity, Developing and Demonstrating Nanosensor Technology to Detect, Monitor, and Degrade Pollutants.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s New Chemicals Program will host webinar on October 18, 2022, on EPA’s process for assessing the potential risks of new chemicals under Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act and the types of data EPA considers in this assessment.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold webinar on October 13, 2022, on web-based Interspecies Correlation Estimation tool. According to EPA, protecting diversity of species from adverse effects of chemicals is significant environmental challenge.
EPA held a webinar on Biofuel Premanufacture Notices: New Chemical Risk Assessment and Applications of Tools and Models. Providing information on how to navigate the new chemicals premanufacture notice PMN process.