Self erred pig head outside a philadelphia mosesk mosque, though to be fair doing throwing a self erred pigs head is called a marriage proposal. Im quidding. An Nevada Assembly woman Christmas Card pictures her entire Family Holding guns. Even more disturbing, on the inside the card reads deck the halls with bam, oh, [bleep], we killed grand pa. Lock and load, america, this is the nightly show. Captioning sponsored by Comedy Central larry, larry, larry larry thank you very much. Thank you very much. All right, so kind, please, please. Youre so kind. Welcome to the show. Whistles tonight, whistles, very nice. Very nice. Okay, welcome to the show. I am larry wilmore. Such a great audience tonight. Even without mall ore, you know. cheers and applause you are not going to come mere, mallory, i dont know, i dont have an answer to that. But we do have the founder of loafn star hiphop is here, q joins us on the panel. Worldstar cheers and applause world ddz star whats going to happen at the e
Yorktown, Va. – William “Larry” Felts, a husband, father, grandfather, and friend to many, passed away November 1, 2022. He was preceded in death by his father…