Pwomen in the hospital. Psilver thorn community. Pdeputies are still there piecing ptogether what happened. Pthey do tell us, they caught the pmale suspect just a few moments pafter the attack. Pneighbors are shocked. Pman weve lived here for 20 pyears now, nothing like this pever happened. Pits very unusual. P both women were air lifted to pthe hospital with serious pinjuries. Pdeputies say they dont think pthis was a random act. P a bust on a quiet street in pcarol wood. Pa home had two rooms packed with pmarijuana. Pevan is at the sheriffs office. Ptell us more about this big pbust, evan. Preporter it was hundreds of ounds of marijuana worth phundreds of thousands of dollars pand deputies say the man parrested may be at the top of a phuge supply chain. Pthat much is sure. Pman that is a lot of weed, plooks like a jungle in there. Preporter indeed, deputies say pacross from a busy basketball pcourt was a 14 hundred square pfoot home that was a little more pthan a marijuana factory. P