news on one particular issue. that story which may or may not include our own facts on the screen, ahead. insurance in 15 m, so i took a selfie to show everyone how happy i am. really? because esurance saved me money in half that time. can i.? oh you can be in it! no need to photo-bomb me. hashbrown. selfie. yeah. that s not how it works. 15 minutes for a quote isn t how it works anymore. start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. are those made with all-beef, karen? yeah, they re hebrew national. but unlike yours, they re also kosher. kosher? yeah, they re really choosy about what goes in. so, only certain cuts of kosher beef meet their strict standards and then they pick the best from that. oh man! what d we do? they re all ruined. help yourself! oh no, we couldn.okay thanks. when you hot dog s kosher, thats a hot dog you can trust. hebrew national.
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retirement. if you re going to have debt. is there good debt and bad debt? you can tell which debt is good debt and which is bad debt because the good debt has lower interest rate. if you have debt with double-digit interest rates, that s bad debt and you want to take money that you ve got sitting around not being saved and use it to pay off that bad debt because a 15% interest r e rate, if you could pay that off, that s like a 15 m% return on yr money and it s guaranteed. it s not like you re not going to get it. you re going to get that 15% return. makes sense. pay off your credit cards and don t worry so much about the student loans and the mortgages, just pay those off on time, but getting out of credit card debt just puts a smile on people s faces. makes them so much happier. happy holidays to you. to you, as well. a proud ridgeback has her paws full after giving birth to a huge litter of puppies. 17, if you re counting.