IREDA shares climbed 9.76 per cent to 173.80, as 8,72,00,178 shares worth Rs 1,489 crore changing hands. IREDA has recorded highest ever loan sanctions at Rs 37,354 crore in FY24.
JP Power said its revenue for the quarter was up 82.36 per cent at Rs 2,190.32 crore compared with Rs 1,201.05 crore YoY. Power segment revenue for the quarter stood at Rs 1,530.53 crore.
Adani Enterprises topped the turnover chart, as the Adani group stock logged a turnover of Rs 27,17.34 crore. It was followed by Adani Ports, which clocked a turnover of Rs 2,382.62 crore.
JP Power was up 4.69 per cent at Rs 14.50. JP Power saw 10,83,10,120 shares worth 153.69 crore changing hands. Shares of Jaiprakash Associates, on the other hand, climbed 8.46 per cent to hit a high of Rs 18.83 apiece.
JP Power was up 4.69 per cent at Rs 14.50. JP Power saw 10,83,10,120 shares worth 153.69 crore changing hands. Shares of Jaiprakash Associates, on the other hand, climbed 8.46 per cent to hit a high of Rs 18.83 apiece.