hear them. i mean, basically but everyone is not saying what it is. that s true but it is it is not because they can t hear them. i mean, since 1976, when ronald reagan created the fact myth of the welfare queen, welfare and race have been linked in ways that i would even argue before that with barry goldwater in 64. this is not a dog whistle. it is just a strategy. racialized strategy. let me ask you this. when you look at the fact that even romney s pollster i mean, i heard a lot of bold statements. but romney s pollster said and i m quoting him. when they were confronted with the fact that they were misrepresenting the truth on the president, he is we are not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers. or seems by facts. right. what s that facts have nothing to do with this. facts i mean, with this particular ad, and this attack, facts have nothing to doing with it. it is working and they are going to do it. what actually amazes me, w
83% believe positive it should be legal whshen a woman s life in danger. how can a gop justify their support of a platform that clearly does not have the support of the american people? well, a lot of the republicans who are actually voting on this platform are some of the most far right and extreme members of the party. you don t heart that language coming out of the romney campaign, obviously. and many convention organizers and romney campaigns i have talked to have said look, the republican platform is simply a piece of paper. we are not pushing that. in fact, many of the convention speakers that we are going to hear from are more moderate members of the republican party. tomorrow night, con did a leeza rice who is a pro-choice republican woman, will be introducing paul ryan. those are some of the republicans mitt romney and his campaign wants you to see in the
next few day. they are saying that s the platform of the convention. that s what we stand for. but we don t agree with it. in fact, even governor romney s trying to soften his stance on abortion by trying to add language. let me show you a statement that he made where he s kind of softening his position. look at this. my position has been clear throughout this campaign. i m in favor of abortion being legal in the case of rape, inest and health and welfare of the mother. he said he always believed in exemptions in the case of rape and incest and the life of the mother. now he is adding the health of the mother as a reason. is this just the latest flip-flop or is he trying to soften hi position and give a little more room here for moderation? the flip that came before the flop came before the flip. you will remember when this man was governor of massachusetts, he had a very pro-choice stance
evangelical christian, for instance. right. on economic issues he is far to the right as the entire and anti-labor and all of that. what you have seen is, look, the one thing you can count on the republican party to pursue, above all else, you look at the actual rhetoric, record and get rid of the rhetoric, tax cuts for people with a lot much money. that s the thing that s and he something he pursued. in a ralph kramden sort of way. not his side. his bullying and pushing art carney around. let me ask you this. he has the speech tonight that some are saying president obama, then senator obama, had that slightly democratic side 2004. and launchedsed him. that was the year rain. i was there that night. president then senator obama was a poet. chris christie s a bully. there is a huge difference in a bully and a poet to the broad television audience. let s forget the people in the
i think president obama should be writing mitt romney a big thank you note for stirring up the democratic base. listen, you know, this has been going on for a while now. starting with the fight over contraceptions. most recently the todd akin comment. now we have this platform coming out of the gop leading up to the convention that really, really stakes out a very far right position on his views of choice. we know who those issues generally inspire. white college educated women. they emerged as a really important part of the democratic base. they cast about 18% of the ballots in the 2008 elections. so they are revved up and ready to go. it is incumbent upon team obama go out and register and reregister a lot of those women. now, erin, let me ask you when when we look how unpopular the gop s abortion policies are, 88% believe abortion should be legal when a woman s life is in danger.