Im joined by member supervisor chan and we will be joined by vice chair supervisor safai. Our clerk is brent jalipa. Mr. Clerk do you have announcements. For those here in the chambers sound of cell phones and electronic devices. There are in person attendance and Public Comment prosecute voiding Remote Access via phone. The board recognized Public Access is essential. First Public Comment on each item on the agenda those in person and will be allowed speak and those on the phone line. For those watching channels 26, 28, 78 or 99 and will sfgov. Org the public upon comment call in number is yosz the screen 4156550001. That is 4156550001. And enter the id of access code 2491 103 2787. When connected you will hearting discussions but muted and listening mode only. When your item come up those in person should line up to smeek and those on the phone dial star 3. If you are on your phone turn down year tv. Each speaker will be allowed 2 minutes to speak. You may submit comment in the writi
Good afternoon the meeting will come to order this is the october 262022 budget and finance meeting. Im joined by member supervisor chan and we will be joined by vice chair supervisor safai. Our clerk is brent jalipa. Mr. Clerk do you have announcements. For those here in the chambers sound of cell phones and electronic devices. There are in person attendance and Public Comment prosecute voiding Remote Access via phone. The board recognized Public Access is essential. First Public Comment on each item on the agenda those in person and will be allowed speak and those on the phone line. For those watching channels 26, 28, 78 or 99 and will sfgov. Org the public upon comment call in number is yosz the screen 4156550001. That is 4156550001. And enter the id of access code 2491 103 2787. When connected you will hearting discussions but muted and listening mode only. When your item come up those in person should line up to smeek and those on the phone dial star 3. If you are on your phone tu
My predecessor at the fed, chairman ben bernanke, demonstrated such courage, especially in his response to the threat of the financial crisis. To stabilize the Financial System and restore economic growth, he took courageous actions that were unprecedented in ambition and scope. He faced relentless criticism, personal threats, and the certainty that history would judge him harshly if he was wrong. But he stood up for what he believed was right and necessary. Ben bernankes intelligence and knowledge served him well as chairman. But his grit and willingness to take a stand were just as important. I hope you never are confronted by challenges this great, but you too will face moments in life when standing up for what you believe can make all the difference. Having dwelt for a moment on failure and grit, let me turn to the deeper meaning that underpins grit and can carry us beyond failure. The hard work of building a life that makes a difference is much easier to sustain when you are passi