the prayer center together. why? what was the feeling that you had? in 1998, a lot of different things that happened but what we were talking about in our time of prayer, the lord has said that the eyes of the nation will be turned to the brightness of this light in wilmington. i m kind of naive and i said lord, if you said it, so be it. okay. done deal. glenn: have you ever felt like i really feel uncomfortable here? sure. glenn: the amazing thing is, prompting like that, you usually feel stupid for quite some time. maybe it was just me. maybe i m just hearing things. a lot of people will mock you or whatever. you re out in the open. you re like i know this is crazy. i m starting a prayer room. 11 churches. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. i contend it is what is going
glenn: welcome back to wilmington, ohio. [ applause ] america s first christmas. this is the fellowship of praise choir. you ve been singing together for a matter of hours. they re incredible. i want to thank them. so, i want to continue the sto story. last night, i get here and go have pizza with people from all over the country. go to a hotel purchased on a handshake because people believe in people being honest and edecent with each other. then i go to robin s store front. robin is a woman who started a prayer center. what do you call it, robin? prayer room. glenn: it s right across the street. walk out of the hotel and there is a prayer room there. 11 churches are participating, right? now it s 1:00 in the morning and i walk in the prayer room
give me a hug. and it s just so great. you have been packed as a hotel. are we taking the whole hotel or do you have other people? no, just you. [ laughter ] glenn: i like mannequins. they have to have their own rooms. you bought it how? on a handshake. glenn: tell me the story. oh, dear. i was maybe driving around a bit much as the kids were older and i passed this hotel in wilmington, ohio. i thought it was gorgeous. it showed it to my husband who said whoa! that needs a lot of work, honey. but the small sign in the window, the kind you buy at the grocery store and it took me four tries because it was so faded from the sun you
great commercial rate. i said really? he said, yeah. i said okay. he said shake on it. we did. then i called my husband and said, mark, i think i just bought a hotel. [ applause ] glenn: there is her husband. look at her husband. [ applause ] is that the arm twisting. how long have you had it? how long have you had the hotel now? seven years in february. ever missed a payment? no. glenn: she looks pretty okay to me. let me tell you something. that s what happened as of 1:00 a.m. we haven t even scratched the surface. when john huntsman? who saw that show? he told me if you can do business on a handshake and look a man in the eye and shake his hand and do a business deal, you saved america. this town will save america.
spirit of hope. glenn: there is can i tell you something? alan? you are a guy who has started sugar tree ministries. you re not taking money from anybody. you pray on the shelves and you expect dad upstairs to provide. what happens? he provides. glenn: i hear today, i don t know if it s true by hear you have enough food on your shelves to last six months. we have quite a bit. yes. [ applause ] glenn: i contend, christine, if you take this back home, this is what is going to change america. there is an awakening. we taught you about george whitefield. we showed you what happened when george whitefield started talking. i m telling you what is happening here, if it happens across the country will change the course of a nation. and wilmington, ohio, will be