I am inevitably going to die someday. I want to live a long and healthy life surrounded by family and friends. However, during every waking moment I live in this country, the opportunity of living a long life looks unattainable. America has shown me time and time again that Black people exist as a nightmare to the American dream, and it is only a matter of time before this country kills me.
Being Black in America has certain elements that would seem too far-fetched for a horror movie. It has become an uncomfortable reality that I could be killed in broad daylight with witnesses around me, and still, there won t be any form of justice or accountability. In most instances, a certain percentage of America will blame me for my death and offer advice on how I should have complied better or some other nonsense. Can you imagine what that does to one s psyche in navigating the world? We have too many instances of parents burying their children because America believes it is tradition to des