On the day of the murder, a police officer said to the two janitors at the school who had found the deceased, “One of you two is going to hang for this.”…
Scheduled federal executions infuriate activists
By Gloria Rubac posted on December 9, 2020
Members of the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement protested Trump’s eighth execution since July at the Mickey Leland Federal Building in downtown Houston on November 19. In this photo are Trey Legall, Leonard Benton, Andre Ross, Gloria Rubac and Leonard Walker. Many passers-by honked in support and gave thumbs-up approval.
The outrage expressed by anti-death penalty activists was visceral as the news came out that Trump had authorized the federal government to use a firing squad, the electric chair, or a gas chamber for upcoming federal executions.
Ozell Brandley, the brother of Clarence Brandley, who spent 10 years on Texas death row before finally being found innocent, told WW: “A pardon for convicted administration members but death by firing squad for Blacks, Hispanics and minorities! Double standards in the criminal justice system and the White House!”