week and then like the godfather, i got sucked in on it. what do we have, katherine? from the world of twitter, both narcissists. depp will not benefit from this. no one really cares but it s like watching a netflix hit. you can t stop watching the train wreck it is. kelly ann, no joke. i didn t get to the end of ozark because of this trial. i was like on schedule to finish ozark and then came this trial and i can t take my eyes off of it. still to come, more of your best and worst tweets and facebook comments and we ll give you the final results of the survey question, go right now to smerconish.com, answer the question. is the u.s. sharing of military intelligence with ukraine, is it worth the risk of further inflaming putin? register for the newsletter while you re there. support yourur immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergrgen-c check out this vrbo.
"Ozark" Season 4, Part 2 ends with a gunshot and a cut to black—and based on what the cast has said about the ending, we know what happened on the Netflix show.
greg: yeah, exactly. jon, my theory is, she didn t even have to come up with a proposal. she just walked in and said i want to do a cartoon about me when i was young and how i experienced physician niche. jon: i agree and she got a stick and reality settled in. and they need money for ozark. greg: i m not into the last season of ozark i don t know why. i liked the first couple of seasons. maybe i got tired of being terrified, you know? what about you. think about it. is royalty a dirty job? i don t know. greg: i like working on every question. permission to pitch netflix directly. look guys i know it s expensive i have a car tune i invented micro mike rowe animated and i goes places, it s animated and i go to dirty jobs and it s cheap.