The university and two Oxford colleges received charitable gifts totalling more than £12 million from a trust set up by Max Mosley which drew upon the vast fortune of his fascist father Sir Oswald.
The name of Oxford University s Linacre College, named after humanist and physician Thomas Linacre (1460-1524), is to be changed to Thao College in honour of a Vietnamese billionaire.
Karnataka private schools cannot charge more than 70% fees
Rashmi Samant, the woman from Karnataka who made history by being the first female Indian president-elect of Oxford University Students Union, has relinquished the post amid a row surrounding some of her old racist social media posts.
Days after her election, some people trawled through her old social media posts and found some of them as racist and insensitive . The 22-year-old, who projected herself as an inclusivity candidate, faced heat over a reference to the holocaust during her visit to Berlin Holocaust Memorial in Germany in 2017 and an Instagram post with a photo of herself in Malaysia with the caption Ching Chang , which Chinese students perceived as offensive.