About bacteria and viruss and vaccines and in 1928 in his lab at st. Marys, Alexander Fleming had a fortuitous and world changing encounter with dirty dishes. He had been working with a fairly nasty strain of staph bacteria in his lab when he found by accident that one of the culture plates he had been working with, i guess had been neglected or maybe somehow cross ton tam nate e contaminate and growing mold. That might be cause for regret. Oh, no, you would be at least mildly grossed out and that would be cause for throwing it out or cleaning up the culture plate. What fleming noticed that day in 1928 and what ultimately changed the world and saved lives is on that culture plate in which he had been growing that staph bacteria, there was a splotch around that spot of mold. In that splotch spreading out from the edges of the mold, there was no bacteria. That meant it occurred to him that that mold was killing the bacteria. In that moment, Alexander Fleming asked the key question hey, w
AstraZeneca vaccine booster works against Omicron, Oxford lab study finds - The company said researchers at Oxford University who carried out the study were independent of those who worked on the vaccine with AstraZeneca.