Expenditure Secretary TV Somanathan told Moneycontrol that the Finance Ministry had a rough cost of Rs 700 per person in mind. The budget allocation is just a part of what will be spent, as state governments and corporates will also allocate sums for the vaccination drive
Arduous task of packing vaccine vials to keep them at low temperatures for up to 3 days
1 of 14 Armed polilce stand guard at the state vaccine storage. From factory to faraway village: behind Indias mammoth vaccination drive In Bhubaneswar, capital of India s mineral rich but impoverished eastern state of Odisha, Authorities began the arduous task of counting and packing COVID-19 vaccine vials to keep them at between 2-8 degrees Celsius for up to three days. Image Credit: Reuters
2 of 14 A health department employee counts vials of the vaccine. It fell on veteran health department driver Lalu Porija, who had driven his delivery van all night to reach the storage site, to truck them some 500 kilometres back to Koraput, guarded by an armed policeman.