At DC Blockchain Summit 2022 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency remarked on vulnerabilities of cryptocurrency in light of the recent market volatility and other events in the crypto economy: Fragmentation and hacks, Contagion risks and Custody Ownership Rights
are a sensible idea, but there are plenty of people who ve bought into them, literally. ownership rights for some digital artworks have gone for millions of dollars and collins dictionary has just made nft its word of the year. and just last week, a new development a group of people got together and tried to crowdfund enough money to buy a printed copy of the us constitution at auction. they were outbid despite claiming to raise $40 million. but had they been successful, each of the thousands of contributors would have had the right to vote on what happened to the historic document next. so they could vote to put it on public display. 0h! they could vote to sell it on, or anything in between. yes, and whatever they voted to do would have been handled by a decentralised autonomous organisation a dao. but what on earth does that mean? a dao is similar in some ways to some of these a financial