Manager erIk ten haag. Tom Lawrence Scores a Wonder Goal as rangers grInd out a narrow scottIsh PremIershIp WIn over hIbernIan. Also comIng up on sportsday. Its trIple Crown Taday as pogarcher becomes only the thIrd man to wIn cyclIngs BIg Three prIzes, the Tour De France, GIro DItalIa and World TItle In the same Year England contInue theIr Netball SerIes Down Under wIth a one Goal WIn agaInst New Zealand In auckland. Welcome along. All the Days Football In a moment but lets start In brIstol where the one Day SerIes between AustralIa And England has come to a rather damp and dIsappoIntIng end. WIth the serIes tIed at 2 each, todays match the decIders, but the EnglIsh Weather has once agaIn done for england. HavIng posted a target of 310 for the tourIsts to wIn, australIa reached 165 for two before The RaIn arrIved. AustralIa awarded the wIn, and the SerIes Courtesy of a hIgher run rate. Our Correspondentjoe WIlson Is watchIng. Yes, the summers fInal countdown. CrIcket s conclusIon, eng
Manager erik ten haag. Tom Lawrence Scores a Wonder Goal as rangers grind out a narrow scottish Premiership Win over hibernian. Also coming up on sportsday. Its triple Crown Taday as pogarcher becomes only the third man to win cyclings Big Three prizes, the Tour De France, Giro Ditalia and World Title in the same year. England continue their Netball Series Down Under with a one Goal Win against New Zealand in auckland. Welcome along. All the Days Football in a moment but lets start in bristol where the one Day Series between Australia And England has come to a rather damp and disappointing end. With the series tied at 2 2, todays match the decider, but the English Weather has once again done for england. Having posted a target of 310 for the tourists to win, australia reached 165 for two before The Rain arrived. Australia awarded the win, and the Series Courtesy of a higher run rate. Our Correspondentjoe Wilson is watching. Yes, the summers final countdown. Cricket s conclusion, englan
inflation and high interest rates, and banking instability have contributed to this year s gloomy economic forecast stock but it is a global recession is not likely stop business reporter katie silver has been looking into this story for us and joins me now on the programme with the details. great to get you on the show. talk through what you have seen today. 50 talk through what you have seen toda . ~ ., , talk through what you have seen toda . ~ .,, , today. so the imf has seen it has been today. so the imf has seen it has been a today. so the imf has seen it has been a perilous - today. so the imf has seen it i has been a perilous combination of vulnerabilities and they are calling on central banks around the world to keep monetary policy tight and that means high interest rates in order to stave off dental economic crisis or a decrease in economic growth. so the fund has revised their forecast for this year and next, lowering both from what was predicted in january by
panning out? sorry, couldn t hear what your reporter said | hear what your reporter said earlier, let me report for asia we have growth at ii.i6 s in 2023, this reflects a couple of big changes, emerging markets in asia we have growth at 4.3% and four the advance we have i.6%, this is an adjustment upwards of 0.4 percentage points for emerging markets and lowerfor points for emerging markets and lower for advanced economies points for emerging markets and lowerfor advanced economies in lower for advanced economies in asia. lowerfor advanced economies in asia. now, for emerging markets, the big news for china where we have increased production sent the projection from 4.4% from 2 october by 20% now. this reflects largely a rebound in consumption following owner opening of the economy forced economic restraints being lifted, so we have consumption led growth or projected consumption led growth in china which will provide the rest of the region in asia. it s interesting you say that,