half mast out of respect for the five men who died. these are among the last known pictures of the submersible. the polar prince launched it into the atlantic last sunday that contact was lost one hour and 45 minutes later. they notify the coastguard after more than four hours. following an international search lasting days, parts of the sub were eventually found on the seabed near the titanic wreckage. it had suffered a catastrophic implosion. as the polar prince gets ready to dock, this is not the end of its story. the vessel is going to be investigated. there are lots of questions about how, why and when did this disaster happen? the buoyancy tanks used to launch the sub were towed away. inspectors from canada s transportation safety board entered the vessel. they will interview staff and crew. the us coast guard will also be involved. wreckage of the sub will be examined too. it s owner 0ceangate is facing
inspectors from canada s transportation safety board entered the vessel. they will interview staff and crew. the us coast guard will also be involved. wreckage of the sub will be examined, too. its owner 0ceangate is facing criticism. the bbc has seen e mails which accuse the late ceo stockton rush of putting clients at risk, which the firm has denied. once you leave that dock, it s very, very dangerous. the tragedy has affected people here in a province used to maritime disasters. you ve got to have respect for the ocean. because you might not fear it but you ve got to have respect for it because if not, the ocean comes first. we hope for the best outcome but it was really tragic to hear. i you know, deep down, we always have a little bit of hope but, yeah, it was really, really sad. my god. what they re going i through, you know? you don t wish that on no family. - no family whatsoever.