By Rachel LeishmanDec 22nd, 2020, 1:53 pm
2020 has been hard. No one is denying that, but because we’re all online™ more often than not, we’re … a lot thirstier than we’ve been in years past, which … I get it. We’ve all been trapped at home, some of us alone, so all our normal thirst we tamp down on in normal times is … fully on display.
Twitter has just been everyone dumping their love for people on their timelines, and honestly, I’m grateful that I have a job that lets me thirst on my main and doesn’t silence my need to tweet about how hot actors are. It’s just my lot in life, and I’ve had to accept that. Trust me, it’s taken me years. I remember getting made fun of for my love of Hayden Christensen when I was 13 years old. Now? I get paid to thirst.